birgitte moos chalcraft
Curriculum VITAE
E d u C a t i o N s
Master´s Degree in Positive Psychology at Aarhus University, Emdrup, Denmark
Master´s Degree (Cand.) in Spatial Art from the Royal Danish Academy of Arts (KADK), Copenhagen, Denmark
1997 .
Master´s Degree studies in Painting and Set Design at Berlin University of the Arts (Universität der Künste Berlin, UDK),
in Professor Achim Freyer´s class at The Institute for Performing Arts, Berlin, Germany
1993 - 1996
Bachelor´s Degree in Spatial Art, the Royal Danish Academy of Arts (KADK), Copenhagen, Denmark
1995 - 1996 .
Bachelor of Fine Arts studies at Weissensee Academy of Arts, Berlin, Germany
1989 - 1991
BA in Textile Design, University College Copenhagen (KP), Denmark
SOLO E x h I B I t i o n S /// A r T E V e n T s
»Evolutionary Revolutionary«, ArtLab_21 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
»Nothing Exists in it Self«, ArtLab_21 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
»Interference«, ArtLab_21 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
»White Cows«, Brick Lane Gallery, London, UK
»White Cows«, Duke of York Gallery, Bristol, UK
»White Cows«, Jess Projects, Los Angeles, USA
»The Memory Palace«, Mike Kelley Gallery (Beyond Baroque), Los Angeles, USA. With Bob Branaman (aka Barbitol Bob)
2013 .
»The Memory Palace Series«, The Featured Artist of LA, Downtown Art Walk, Maldef Building, Downtown Los Angeles, USA
2012 - 2013
»White Cows«, San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, Seattle, Phoenix and Los Angeles, USA
»Sampled Asia«, Zip Fusion, The Arts District, Downtown, Los Angeles, USA
»Anachronious Mind Tree«, Caporale Bleicher Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
»Memories«, Novel Gallery, The Arts District, Downtown, Los Angeles, USA
2011 - 2014 .
»People Come Back, Transformed«, Skid Row, Downtown Los Angeles, USA
»My bloody Valentine«, Gloria Delson Contemporary Arts, Los Angeles, USA
»Memory Palace«, Edgar Varela Fine Arts, Downtown Los Angeles, USA
»Memory Palace«, Galleri Westphall, Copenhagen, Denmark
»Retro-Perspective«, Hotel Fox, Copenhagen, Denmark
»Dopamine Love«, Art Squared, Pershing Square, Downtown Los Angeles, USA
»The Memory Palace Project«, Bedlam Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
»The Memory Palace Series«, Santa Fe Art Colony, Los Angeles, USA
»The Memory Palace Project«, Phantom Galleries, Los Angeles, USA
»Repulsive Repetition Series«, 410 BOYD Street Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
»Dopamine Love«, M.J. Higgins Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
»Low or No Profile«, Spring Arts Tower, Los Angeles, USA
»Wings of Desire«, Langelinie Pavillion«, Copenhagen, Denmark
»Buddha Lounge« Don O'Melveny Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
»Wings of Desire«, Nikolaj Church, Copenhagen, Denmark
»Wings of Desire«, Carolina Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
»3D pain-things«, Krasnapolsky, Copenhagen, Denmark
»be-long-island«, The Video Gallery, Berlin, Germany
G r o u P E x H i b i t I o n S
»PoP Up Down«, Lystropi at Lystrupgaard Gods, Denmark. With Ian Schjals, Carsten von Würden, Heine Skjerning
and Hartmut Stocker
»Paper Gravity Weight«, Gallery ArtLab 21, Nørrebro, Copenhagen. Together with Ian Schjals, Kathrine Ærtebjerg and
Mikkel Olaf Eskildsen
»Root Systems«, Art Share Gallery, The Arts District, Los Angeles, USA
»People Come Back,Transformed«, Art Benefit for Los Angeles Family Housing, Room & Board, The Arts District Downtown, Los Angeles, USA
»People Come Back, Transformed«, Art Share Gallery, The Arts District Downtown, Los Angeles, USA
»Transformed Memory«, Christmas Show, Art Share Gallery, The Arts District, Los Angeles, USA
»Deconstructed Sunflower«, The Arts District Winterfest, Art Share Gallery, The Arts District, Los Angeles, USA
»Molecule of Your Spirit«, Jubilee Music and Arts Festival, The Arts District, Downtown Los Angeles, USA
»The Memory Palace Series«, Lacy Street Arts Complex, Los Angeles, USA
»People Come Back, Transformed«, 7th BERLIN BIENNALE FOR CONTEMPORARY ARTS 2012. ArtWiki
»Skull Bank Hamlet«, Crewest Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
»SugarShock«, Art Share Gallery, The Arts District Winterfest, Los Angeles, USA
»Viking Woman«, The Hive Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
»Draw-In«, Veletrzni Palace, Czech National Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
»SugarShock«, Light Over Lolland, Højbygaard Sugar Factory, Museum Lolland Falster, Denmark
»Cool Up«, The Fridge Project, Projectroom, Berlin, Germany
»Dopamine Love«, City of Brea Art Gallery, Southern California, USA. Open call to the Annual Juried Exhibition
»Micro Gestalt«, BG Gallery, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, USA
»Memory«, Arts District Winterfest, Art Share Gallery, The Arts District Downtown, Los Angeles, USA
»Mani-Fest«, Transit Station DE, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Denmark
»The Memory Palace Series«, Optical Allusion Gallery, The Arts District, Downtown Los Angeles, USA
»Cunt-Fetti«, Spring Arts Tower, Los Angeles, USA
»Made in China«, Zirrat Bankasi Museum, Ankara, Turkey
»Made in China«, 11th International Istanbul Biennial Parallel Exhibition, ISIK University Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
»Memory Palace«, 410 Boyd Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
»White Cows«, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Barnsdall Art Park, Los Angeles, USA
»Fake it Till You Make it«, Pershing Square, Los Angeles, USA Autumn Lights
»The Memory Palace Series«, Factory Place Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
»Pleasure Guilt Syndrome«, Katalyst Foundation for the Arts, Los Angeles, USA
»White Noise«, Santa Monica Airport, Los Angeles, USA
»Unseen, Unknown«, Goethe Institute, Bruxelles, Belgium
»Reflections«, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Barnsdall Art Park, Los Angeles, USA
»Conspirazy Puzzle«, Two07 Gallery, NYC, USA
»Art is Money«, Politikens Hus / Pressen, Copenhagen, Denmark
»Pleasure Guilt Syndrome«, Caltrans Plaza, Los Angeles, USA
»2020 Visions«, Kings Street Gallery, Amsterdam, Holland
»Money Kills«, Øksnehallen, The Meatpacking District, Copenhagen, Denmark
»Women Focusing«, Dannerhouse, Copenhagen, Denmark
»Dreamwaves«, Annenberg Center of Communication, University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, USA
»Katarina & the Waves«, M.J. Higgins Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
»Hamletmachine«, Øksnehallen, The Meatpacking District, Copenhagen, Denmark
»Time is Now / ALT2000«, Glassalen, The Royal Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark
»Corpus in C«, Brøndsalen, Frederiksberg Gardens, Copenhagen, Denmark
»Corpus in C«, Annual Autumn Exhibition, Arthall Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark
A w a r d S, N o m i N a t I o n S, S c h o l a R S h I p S, G r a n t S & A r t I s T i n R e s i D e n c i e S
Awarded Multidisciplinary Artist of the Year 2024 (Denmark) by Media Innovator Awards
Awarded Contemporary Artist of the Year 2023 (Denmark) by Corporate Vision´s Media Innovator Awards
Awarded Most Creative Interdisciplinary Artist of the Year 2022 (Europe) by Corporate Vision´s Media Innovator Awards
Full Scholarship by Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman, Center for Human Potential to The Transcend Course:
The New Science of Self-Actualization. Certified Transcender in the Science of Human Potential
The Featured Artist of LA, Downtown Artwalk, Los Angeles, USA
»SugarShock«, Saatchi Gallery, London. Open Call for Abstract Art. Shortlisted
Columbia University, NYC. Accepted Ph.D. proposal with Full Scholarship, »Revolutionary Spaces - interdisciplinary set design
after post- dramatic theater«
THE 32ND ANNUAL LA WEEKLY THEATER AWARDS OF BEST THEATRE IN LA. Shortlisted as one of five finalists)
for best set design of the year in LA, Los Angeles, USA
Los Angeles Times. Critics Choice for set design: Birgitte Moos, »The Arsonists«, Odyssey Theatre
Artist in Residence, The Watermill Center by Robert Wilson, Southhampton, NY, USA
Winner, Rogue Monk design competition, Los Angeles, USA
Scholar in Residence, University of Southern California, Division of Digital Arts, Los Angeles, USA
Beckett Foundation Grant
Knud Højgårds Foundation Grant
Nordic Film Foundation Grant
Denmarks Nationalbank's Jubilee Foundation Grant
Augustinus Foundation Grant
Danish Set Designers Foundation Grant
Nordea Denmark Foundation Grant
Danish Employers' Jubilee Foundation Grant
Knud Højgårds Foundation Grant
»Lack of Oxygen«, Grand Prize Winner of Close-Up Shorts Competition
Danish Design Foundation, Scholarship for studying abroad
DAAD, Scholarship
S e T D e s I g N
»Thieves«, Jess Projects, Los Angeles, USA. Director Jessica Shokrian
»Civilization«, Son of Semele Theater, Los Angeles, USA. Director Don Boughton
»The Sufferings of Joe Bean«, The Burning Opera Company, Los Angeles, USA
»Frozen«, Ark Theater, Los Angeles, USA. Director Paul Wagar
»The Fox«, Ark Theater, Los Angeles, USA. Director David Grammer
Media City Stages, Set Masters, Universal Studios, VPS Productions, Glendale Studios
Alien Chatter´s »Music For Aliens« tour, Satnam S. Ramgotra, Los Angeles, USA
»The Arsonists«, Odyssey Theater, Los Angeles, USA. Director Ron Sossi
»The Beggars Opera«, Cantabile2 Theater, Kaleidoskop K2, Copenhagen, Denmark. Director Nullo Facchini
»Bridge of Sighs«, The Other Opera, Copenhagen, Denmark
2000 - 2001 .
Tristone, Copenhagen, Denmark. Lead Set Designer
»Agnes«, Cantabile2 Theater, Kaleidoskop, Copenhagen, Denmark, Junge Hunde Festival, Finland and Sweden.
Director Nullo Facchini
Nordic Film, Copenhagen, Denmark Shortfilm »Kimera«. Director Christian Fonnesbech
»Oedipus«, Deutsches Theater, Berlin, Germany. Director Alexander Lang
ArT T a l k S /// LecturInG, ReseArcH etc ...
»Nothing Exists in it Self«, ArtLab_21 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark. Artist Talk
Foreningen for Social Innovation (FFSI), Copenhagen, Denmark. Key Researcher in positive psychology
2015 - 2021 .
Independent research and artistic development of »hamlet_ex_tender«. Based on thesis »Hamletmachine«
University of La Verne, Department of Theatre Arts, La Verne, CA, USA. Guest Lecturer: Interdisciplinary set design for
performance art and experimental theatre
Overgaden, Institute of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark. On The intersection between Live Art, Art Writing
& the discursive sphere
Overgaden, Institute of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark . Taking Writing for a Walk. Masterclass (8 weeks) by Mary Paterson
The Mike Kelley Gallery (Beyond Baroque), Los Angeles, USA. Artist Talk
2004 - 2014 .
Station Next, Zentropa, Filmtown, Hvidovre, Denmark. Workshop facilitator and teaching arthouse film set design
2012 - 2014
University of La Verne, Department of Theatre Arts, Bureau on Social Research Unit, Los Angeles, USA. Think Tank Member
Social Art, Performative Architecture & Performance Studies - Interdisciplinarity and Community in Performing Arts
The Watermill Center (Robert Wilson), Southhampton, NY, USA. Lecture for Columbia University Alumni and the public
Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Los Angeles, USA
Scholar in Residence, University of Southern California, Division of Digital Arts, Los Angeles, USA
1998 - 2000 .
Public Information Association and Workers' Information Association, Copenhagen, Denmark. Arts educator
W r I t I n g S
»People Come Back, Transformed« (writing in progress, to be published at Red Press, Copehagen)
Børsens Digital Culture Magazine, article, »The Art Scene of Los Angeles«
2018- .
Docufiction, »Life as an Artist in LA - the real story« (not finished yet)
»Revolutionary Spaces - interdisciplinary set design after post-dramatic theater«
Citizen Magazine, Downtown LA. Review of »The Ring Cycle«, directed by Achim Freyer, performed at LA Opera
Citizen Magazine, Downtown LA. Review of »Parsifal«, directed by Robert Wilson, performed at LA Opera
Film manuscript »Endless Rape Romance«
»Transcending images and symbols in the Millennium epoch of Hollywood movies«
© Birgitte Moos Chalcraft 2025